Saturday, January 14, 2012

Nostalgic Nights: Owen Beach 2008

While trying to organize my photos, I came across these two pictures that I must say are two of my FAVORITE summer shots. I wanted to take Nia & Seth (my baby brother...yeah, awkward) to the actual OCEAN...but I knew they weren't up for a two hour drive. So, we settled on the good ol' Puget Sound.
Nia "skipping" rocks
Testing the water

Out of all 52 pictures, these were my absolute favorite. The sky is so crisp and clean looking, the sunlight was perfect, and these two are so much fun to be around. 

We had so much fun this day, I can't tell you how long this post would be if I went over everything that happened. 

I would have to say the highlight of the day on this day, was Nia and Seth arguing over her calling him Uncle Seth. Being a boy, and being a WHOLE YEAR AND A HALF older than her, He felt as though he deserved to be called "Uncle". Nia, as quick-witted as she is, and hilarious...says in her trademark squeaky voice "Boy, are you crazy? I was fully potty trained before you! I'm not calling you uncle!"

I think I laughed for about two hours straight!!!! Of course he thought it was pretty funny too, but I could tell he was a little embarrassed. If you feel it was mean to laugh...this is the same kid that told my mom to stop holding her stomach in, and I quote:" you better breath out, before you pass out, mom!" Needless to say, my mom wasn't holding her stomach in...she just had on a girdle!

These two definitely have old souls, and say things that will have you laughing for days on end. Leaving Washington was bittersweet. I really love that place, but at some point..I will be going back. Plus, these two "old" farts can have fun again! lol.

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